
Proszę o pomoc w rozwiązaniu zadania z angielskiego. W każdej linii trzeba znaleść błąd i go skorygować, bądź napisać correct jeśli nie ma błędu.

1. Find a mistake in each line, cross it out and correct it:

1. Today it makes cold
2. and there's a lot of air.
3. You expect bad climate in winter.
4. You expect to cold when you go out.
5. Even so, I really enjoy winter weather
6. and I don't mind if it darkens early.
7. What I enjoy most on television
8. is the actualities.
9. You can see actual events as they occur.
10. You can see famous people being examined
11. and giving their opinions on the world events.
12. I enjoy reading daily journals as well.
13. There are not only plenty of news,
14. But interesting histories about ordinary people as well.
15. Life would be boring without all the
16. entertainment and informations you get
17. in newspapers and on television.
18. I had a bad incident the other day.
19. I was carrying a tray across the garden
20. when a wasp pricked me on the nose.
21. It dropped the tray on the grass,
22. but by luck nothing was broken.
23. I had such a shock, I fell into a table
24. and ended up with a headache as well as a sting!
25. Every morning when I wake up
26. I have a bathe
27. Before getting dressed.
28. Sometimes I have a douse instead,
29. but if I've got up late
30. I just have time for a wash myself.
31. I like to do shampooing
32. every day as well.
33. Washing up frequently
34. and keeping clear is
35. one of the pleasures of the life.

Odpowiedź :

1. Today it is cold

2. and there's a lot of wind.

3. You expect a bad climate in winter.

4. You expect (bez to) cold when you go out.

5. Even so, I really enjoy the winter weather

6. and I don't mind if it darkens early. CORRECT

7. What I enjoy most on television CORRECT

8. is the news.

9. You can see current events as they occur.

10. You can see famous people being interviewed

11. and giving their opinions on (bez the) world events.

12. I enjoy reading (journal już znaczy, że piszemy codziennie, więc daily chyba jest zbędne) journals as well.

13. There is not only plenty of news,

14. But interesting stories about ordinary people as well.

15. Life would be boring without all the CORRECT

16. entertainment and information you get

17. in newspapers and on television. CORRECT

18. I had a bad accident? the other day.

19. I was carrying a tray across the garden CORRECT

20. when a wasp stung me on the nose.

21. I dropped the tray on the grass,

22. but luckily nothing was broken.

23. I was in such a shock, I fell into a table

24. and ended up with a headache as well as a sting! CORRECT

25. Every morning when I wake up CORRECT

26. I have a shower

27. before getting dressed. CORRECT

28. Sometimes I have a bath instead,

29. but if get up late

30. I just have time to? wash myself.

31. I like to wash my hair (uważam, że to logiczniejsze niż "do shampooing")

32. every day as well. CORRECT

33. Showering/washing frequently

34. and keeping clean is

35. one of the pleasures of (bez the) life.