
7.write a journal entry you can write about someone you know or invent your character write 50 to 120 words

.describe a problem or situation
.explain how the person felt
.describe what they did to make themselves feel better
klasa 7 proszę na teraz

Odpowiedź :

Write a journal entry. You can write about someone you know or invent your character.

describe a problem or situation;

explain how the person felt;

describe what they did to make themselves feel better.

Dear diary,

Today, my friend Julia had a big problem. She told her crush that she liked him, but he didn't like her back.

She has liked him for a long time, and today she decided to finally tell him. Unfortunately, he said that he didn't feel the same way. She was devastated and disappointed. Later, she asked me to go to a café with her, so she could feel better.

I hope she will be okay.

Bye for now!

Jak napisać wpis do dziennika w języku angielskim?

  1. Dokładnie przeczytaj polecenie i zastanów się, co chcesz napisać.
  2. Rozwiń każdy z punktów w przynajmniej dwóch zdaniach.
  3. Użyj ciekawego słownictwa.