Pomoże ktoś rozwiąż zdjęcie poniżej

Zad 2
I was born in .... (podaj miejscowość, gdzie się urodziłeś) in ... (podaj rok w którym się urodziłeś. Jeśli chcesz podać cała datę, to zamiast wyraz in musisz wpisać "on" i podać dokładną datę Czyli np I was born in Katowice in 2005. lub I was born in Katowice on 25th July, 2005.)
2 If I won a million dollars, I would buy a house on a tropical island.
3 I study English because I would like to get a good job when I finish my education.
4 Yes, I have. I have been to Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Zad 3
1 visited
2 has been married
3 Are you listening
4 wrote
5 had broken
6 was discovered
7 had been
8 were
9 would have gone
10 try
11 found
12 is
13 play
14 stealing
15 didn't tell
16 had
17 will have been living