
Proszeee o pomocc
Najbardziej zalwzy mi na 8
a jeśli komuś siw chce to jeszcze 6
z góry dziękujee♡♡​

Proszeee O PomoccNajbardziej Zalwzy Mi Na 8 A Jeśli Komuś Siw Chce To Jeszcze 6z Góry Dziękujee class=

Odpowiedź :

Zadanie 6

1. C

2. A

3. E

4. B

Zadanie 8

1. We got there on time so we were able to see the dolphin show.

2. This is the largest nature reserve I've ever been to.

3. It was so foggy we couldn't find the path back to the hostel and we got lost in the forest.

4. My friends and I are planning a trip to the Tatra Mountains next weekend. Would you like to come with us?