
na teraz prosze
In your notebook, complete the second

sentence so that it means the same as the first.

Use the words given. Do not change their form.

1 Jack is a very good volleyball player. VERY



2 The last time we had a maths test was two

months ago. FOR


two months.

3 There was a lot of noise in the street. They

couldn't sleep. SOMEONE

They couldn't sleep because

a lot

of noise in the street.

4 We still don't have any food for the party.



for the party yet.

5 Peter saved enough money and he bought

a snowboard. HAD

After Peter 2022, he bought

a snowboard.

6 Sue is planning to invite five friends to her

birthday party. GOING


to her birthday party.

7 Jane hasn't visited her aunt in Canada for two

years. VISITED

Jane last


8 The teacher came into the classroom and saw

all the students at their desks. SITTING

When the teacher came into the classroom,

at their desks.

9 Tom is doing the second exercise now. HAS


so far.

10 It is too rainy to go to the beach today.


We are

2 to the beach today

because it is too rainy.​

Odpowiedź :


1. Jack can play volleyball very well.

2. We haven't got a maths test for two months.

3. They couldn't sleep because someone was making a lot of noise in the street.

4. We haven't bought food for the party yet.

5. After Peter had saved enough money, he bought a snowboard

{Nie rozumiem czemu jest tutaj 2022, ale nie wygląda jakby było potrzebne. Może jakiś błąd ;) }

6. Sue is going to invite five friends to her birthday party.

7. Jane last visited her aunt in Canada two years ago.

8. When the teacher came into the classroom, she saw all the students sitting at their desks.

9. Tom has done two exercises so far

10. We are not going to the beach today, because it is too rainy/
     We aren't going to go to the beach today, because it's too rainy


Przy 5 napisałam o swojej wątpliwości
W 10 obie opcje są poprawne, ale nie wiem na jakim poziomie angielskiego ma być rozwiązane zadanie. Drugie zdanie jest na poziomie B1, a po zadaniu wydaje mi się że jesteś w podstawówce, czyli troszkę niżej. Decyzja nalezy do ciebie :)

Reszta zdań jest rozwiązana poprawnie, a przynajmniej nie widze tu nic do poprawy. W razie pytań, jestem do dyspozycji. Miłego wieczorku!