Pomocy potrzebuję tego na jutro

Przetłumacz wyrażenia w nawiasach.
1. I'd rather you took your own computer.
2. I prefer talking to friends to watching TV.
3. I'd prefer living alone rather than living with a stranger.
4. I'd rather they had told me earlier that they were going to resign, but they didn't.
5. She would rather not tell them about her decision yet.
6. She'd prefer not to go there alone.
7. She said she would rather have stayed home yesterday evening.
8. We would rather go to the Tarta mountains than to the seaside.
Konstrukcji would rather, would prefer i prefer używamy to mówienia o naszych preferencjach, czyli o tym, co byśmy woleli.
Jeżeli nasze preferencje dotyczą czyjegoś zachowania, użyjemy czasu Past Simple, jeśli mówimy o teraźniejszości i Past Perfect, jeśli mówimy o przeszłości, na przykład:
I'd rather you didn't come late all the time.
I'd rather you hadn't been late yesterday.
Natomiast jeśli preferencje dotyczą nas samych (uwaga! podmiot może się w tym przypadku zmieniać), użyjemy czasu Present Simple. Na przykład:
I'd rather go to the Polish seaside than to the Slovakian mountains.
She'd prefer to make a poster than to give a presentation in front of the whole class.