
Proszę o szybką pomoc
zad 5 a,b,c​

Proszę O Szybką Pomoczad 5 Abc class=

Odpowiedź :

-> leads to an increase in crime
-> causes hunger and poverty
-> increases pollution due to multiple explosions and risk of use chemical and biological weapons
-> destroys communities and families
-> leads to terrible physical consequences (death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, and disability) and emotional consequences (post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety)

I think every war problem in the world should be solved because it affects many other world problems in a place where no one ever thought they would happen. It causes death not only caused by shooting or other military causes, but also by hunger and lack of access to basic humanitarian things, as well as living in dirty and completely inhumane conditions. Families are destroyed, many buildings with significant history are bombed. It's a problem that has been with mankind for centuries, and we still don't see how bad it is.