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5 Ciekawostek o Nowym Jorku
4 informacje o Nowym Jorku
(po angielsku)
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Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: New York is the most populous city in the United States of America with over eight and a half billion citizens, beating hands down the second city in terms of populatiopopulationpopulofpoppopulatioulatiopopulationpopulsizeatiopopulationnsizen size, the city of Los Angeles, by five and a half billion residents.

 Therefore, as the champion in size, it is the most important business centre in the United States, as well as an enormous tourist attraction, probably the most well-known throughout the world. It has lots of beautiful skyscrapers and architectural sights. Some of the most popular attractions are the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Centre towers and the Times Square. The city structure is unusually and extremely organised as all the streets are very simple and straight, arranging the real estates into regular rectangle-shaped lands.

 However, the most outstanding view in the whole New York is the Central Park. It is an enormous park in the middle of the dense building complex which looks astounding from bird's eye. No other location in the world can compete with that.

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