
opisz obrazek po angielsku i odpowiedz na trzy pytania

Opisz Obrazek Po Angielsku I Odpowiedz Na Trzy Pytania class=

Odpowiedź :



Image shown, presents two guards. The Australian female guard on the right is wearing green uniform, consisting of a khaki hat, a suit with gloden deatils and a white belt. She's simultaneously  holding up a sword, walking and smiling. The man on the right is a Queen's guard, appearing to wear  full-dress uniform of a red tunic and a bearskin (the hat). It looks like he's talking to the woman.


1. They're wearing uniforms, because they are guards on duty - who are required to wear suitable clothing.

2. Personally, I like the French military uniform. The blue collor is very appealing to me, it stands out from other military uniforms.

3. Last time I wore formal clothes, was at the beginning of a school year.

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