Prosze o pomoc
Na już!!!

5.1. came
5.2. lasted
5.3. stayed
5.4. lived
5.5. sat
5.6. talked
5.7. happened
5.8. didn't understand
5.9. had
7.1. are staying
7.2. came here
7.3. spend
7.4. live
7.5. spend
7.6. practice
7.7. play
7.8. talk
1.1 since
1.2. a
1.3. for
1.4. near
1.5. really
1.6. with
1.7. small
1.8. lots
1.9. walk
1.10. working
3.1. lasts
3.2. have been
3.3. for
3.4. I'm staying
3.5. live
3.6. go
3.7. watch
3.8. i'm enjoying