Wpisz brakujące fragmenty dialogu. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasie - możesz zmienić ich formę - X: Hi, Eve! I've heard you're just about to go on your holiday. Where are you going? Y: I'm going to Rome for two weeks. X: Wow! That's fantastic. When (leave) 5.1. ? Y: In two days' time. My flight is at 8 am. X: (pack) 5.2. your backpack yet? Y: No, not yet. I must buy a new backpack. I've just realized that the one I have is too small. X: I can lend you mine if you want. It's quite big. Y: That would be great, thanks. (come) 5.3. tonight to pick it up? your place X: Sure. I'll be home.
Na teraz!!!