4 Complete the text with the correct form of the present perfect simple, past perfect simple or past simple using the verbs in brackets. Write the answers in your notebook. Icebergs The word 'iceberg' probably comes from the Norwegian word 'isberg' , which means 'ice mountain. In the past, icebergs (1) ? (be) one of the biggest dangers in the sea. Before the Titanic disaster in 1912, many other ships (2) ? (sink) after hitting icebergs. Unfortunately, a lot of passengers on the Titanic (3) ? (die) when the ship went down, so after the accident, 13 countries (4) ? (form) the International Ice Patrol in 1914. Recent research by scientists (5) ? (help) us to understand how icebergs break into smaller pieces. One of the biggest icebergs ever seen (6) ? (break) off from the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica in 2000. It was 295 km long காலம் and 37 km wide!