
Niedawno zaprzyjaźniłaś się z nową osobą. Napisz e-mail do kolegi z Londynu.
-wyjaśnij jak się poznaliście
-opisz nowego przyjaciela lub przyjaciółkę
-napisz jak wspólnie spędzacie czas
(Email powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 słów)
Questions to ask and answer
1.What's your friend's name?
How old is he/she?
Where/How when did you meet?
2.What does he/she Look like?
What kind of character and personality does he/she have?
Are you and your friend similar or different?
3.What things do you like doing together?

Odpowiedź :


Hi Mark!

Im really excited to tell you about the new peson i met at my school. A couple days ago, a new person joined my class. No one wanted to talk to her, beacsue she was really shy, but I thought she seemed nice, so I approached her and introduced myself. After a bit of chatting, I cought that her name is Anne, she's 13 years old and she really likes sports. She also has brown hair, blue eyes and she dresses in the vintage style. She's really talkative and kind, just like me! Today I'm meeting her in the park at 4 o'clock for ice cream and a nice long walk. I hope I won't be late, because I want to make a good impresion on her! Well I really got to go otherwise im seriously going to be late.

Yours XYZ


Mam nadzieję, że pomogła, z góry przepraszam za literówki!!