
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi zaimkami względnymi: who, which, that, where, whose, whom lub postaw "-" (brak zaimka). W niektórych przypadkach możliwych jest kilka poprawnych odpowiedzi.
Przykład: This is the dog which/that/- I found straying on the streets.

1.The woman ...... I wanted to see unfortunately was away.
2.The person...... got lost at the airport was Gerard.
3.The accident was caused by a lorry ...... went into a skid.
4.London, ....... is the capital of the United Kingdom, has a population of over 7 milion people.
5.Mark ....... sister was my best friend at college, has become very famous for his journalistic work.
6.The girl with ..... he fell in love left him for another man.
7. This is the restaurant ..... I ate delicious fish soup some time ago.
8.Rowan Atkinson, ...... is best known for the role os Mr.Bean, also starred in the fabulous Black Adder series.
9. The three men .... robbed a bank in Aberdeen were arrested yesterday.​