Odpowiedź :
MATURA 2022 Język angielski, poziom podstawowy
Zadanie 8
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst.
Many people enter various magazine competitions and are disappointed when they don't win. However, this isn't the case for 68-year-old Betty Robbs — she seems 8.1. (B) to be in every competition she enters, It all began in 1977, after Betty won a competition 8.2. (B) for the first time and received some exercise equipment. When a friend showed her a magazine full of competitions and tips for winning them, there was no stopping Betty.
So far she 8.3. (C) has won thousands of pounds, a car, a dishwasher and several trips abroad, including weekends in Hong Kong and New York. She has been hot-air ballooning and even car racing.
When she can't sleep, Betty spends her time going 8.4. (A) through magazines to find competitions to enter. She believes competitions have 8.5. (A) become easier over the years and nowadays, you only need a name and address and just a little bit of luck. We hope her success continues for many more years.
Uzasadnienia odpowiedzi:
8.1. Czasownik "seem" wymaga użycia bezokolicznika (to+infinitive)
8.2. "Po raz pierwszy" oznacza wyrażenie "for the first time"
8.3. Na początku zdania pojawia się "so far" charakterystyczne dla czasu Present Perfect.
8.4. Poszukujemy słowa, które w połączeniu z czasownikiem "go" da phrasal verb o znaczeniu "przeglądać". Jest to "go through"
8.5. Z kontekstu wynika, że konkursy stawały się (i nadal stają) coraz łatwiejsze. "Stawać się łatwiejszym" po angielsku to "to become easier"