
MATURA 2022 Język angielski, poziom podstawowy
Zadanie 7
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (7.1.—7.3.) literę,
którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A—E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

One day in October 1988, John Barrier parked his truck in the car park in front of a bank. There was a sign there that said: Free parking for bank customers. Take a ticket, ask the bank clerk to stamp it, and show the stamped ticket to the parking attendant.• 7.1._________ That is why he was wearing dirty clothes. He took the ticket and went inside the bank. After paying a small sum of money into his account, he asked the bank clerk to stamp his ticket. The clerk look at the man's untidy clothes and refused to do it. 7.2._______ When Mr Barrier heard that explanation, he asked the clerk to call the manager of the bank, but he was absent that day. John left the bank angry, paid for the parking, got into his truck and drove home.
7.3. _________ To the clerk's surprise, it was more than $2 million. As it turned out, Mr Barrier was one Of the richest clients at the bank. He had actually made his fortune in construction by buying, redecorating, and then selling old buildings tor more than 30 years.

A. He was so angry that he stopped at the door, turned around and went inside the bank again.
B. John Barrier worked in construction and had come to the bank straight from the building site.
C. The next day, he walked into the bank again and took out all his money.
D. He said that the transaction John had made didn't allow him free parking.
E. When the manager appeared, he asked Mr Barrier to leave the bank.

Odpowiedź :

MATURA 2022 Język angielski, poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 7

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie , tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.


One day in October 1988, John Barrier parked his truck in the car park in front of a bank. There was a sign there that said: Free parking for bank customers. Take a ticket, ask the bank clerk to stamp it, and show the stamped ticket to the parking attendant. 7.1. (B.) John Barrier worked in construction and had come to the bank straight from the building site. That is why he was wearing dirty clothes. He took the ticket and went inside the bank. After paying a small sum of money into his account, he asked the bank clerk to stamp his ticket. The clerk look at the man's untidy clothes and refused to do it. 7.2. (D.) He said that the transaction John had made didn't allow him free parking. When Mr Barrier heard that explanation, he asked the clerk to call the manager of the bank, but he was absent that day. John left the bank angry, paid for the parking, got into his truck and drove home.

7.3. (C.) The next day, he walked into the bank again and took out all his money. To the clerk's surprise, it was more than $2 million. As it turned out, Mr Barrier was one Of the richest clients at the bank. He had actually made his fortune in construction by buying, redecorating, and then selling old buildings tor more than 30 years.

W tekście podkreślono fragmenty zdań, które wskazują na zasadność podanych odpowiedzi.

W zadaniach tego typu ważne jest, by dokładnie przeczytać zdanie przed lub za luką - definiują one czego szukamy i co należy wstawić.