
Napisz w zeszycie w j. ang. tekst nt. twojego życia offline i online. Twój tekst musi zawierać minimum 50 wyrazów, maksimum 120 słów.

Język Angielski

Odpowiedź :



Hello everyone my name is ... and im gonna tell something about my offline and online life.For me better life is offline life because you can go play some sports outside and meet some of your friends thats why i prefer offline life but online life is also not that bad because you can just chill listening to music and playing some video games also can talk with some other people

I have diffrent personalities when I am offline or online. When I am onlie obviously I am more open to people. I easily make friends with others. I like to chat with others about various things. Thats why I have more online friends than in real life. When I am offline I can't talk to people. Maybe I am anxious or I just hate talking to people face to face. I don't like the look on people faces when I say something. I guess thats how introverts work.