
Napisz dialog jak w zad 1 ( zdj na dole )

Na teraz daje najjjj

Napisz Dialog Jak W Zad 1 Zdj Na Dole Na Teraz Daje Najjjj class=

Odpowiedź :

Assistant : Hi! How can i help you?
Leo: hm.. well, i'm looking for black jeans.
Assistant: The jeans are in the end of this hall, on the left.
Leo: thank you sir! Have you got black raped jeans?
Assistant: No sorry! The Last one was bought some hours ago.
Leo: oh,that's fine. I'll look for something else.
Assistant: Hey! But don't worry, we have blue raped jeans, if you want. They are on half-price.
Leo: Hmm.. ok!
Assistant: Take these! What do you think?
Leo:wow.. beautiful. How much is it?
Assistant: $39.99
Leo: oh my god! It's a real sale! I have to buy them!

Mam nadzieję że o to chodziło.