
(Daje najlepszą odpowiedź jak będzie dobrze) Twój kolega z klasy ma sporo problemów w domu. Chcesz mu pomóc, załatwiając mu dorywczą pracę u swojego anglojęzycznego wujka, który poszukuje pracownika.
W e-mailu do wujka :
•opisz jakie problemy ma twój kolega
•wyjaśnij dlaczego praca dorywcza może mu pomóc
•opisz jego umiejętności i doświadczenie

Odpowiedź :

hello uncle,
I heard that you are looking for an employee for your company.

My friend Wojtek has big problems in his family, he is poor and they can barely afford basic things. I saw that he was looking for a job for some time, so I thought that I would help him. He often helped my dad with motorsports so he knows a little about it. he could have served as an assistant or, after a short training session, he would fix small things. I hope you will accept my offer
Write down, uncle, how you think about it
write soon ,