hey john, i’m writing to you to ask for help with buying new MP3 player. my previous one broke out of nowhere two days ago so i’ve decided i need to buy a new one. i’ve heard that you are interested in that kind of staff so i wanted to ask you for a favor. would you help me buy a new MP3 player? i will make it up to you for example i can buy you coffee tomorrow and help you out with maths homework. i hope you’ll agree to that.
write me back as soon as possible.
take care,
xyz(tutaj daj swoje imię)
napisałam to bardziej w formie emaila jak coś to zmień trochę formę i jeszcze zdania napisz z dużej litery i wszystkie I i You powinny tez być z dużej litery. mam nadzieje ze pomogłam :)))