Dobry wieczór kto mi pomoże z tego zadania i potrafię tego sam rozwiązać proszę o pomoc

1 Obviously - oczywiście
2 realised - zdałam sobie sprawę
3 impressed - pod wrażeniem
4 shot up - wzrosła
5 dozens of - dziesiątki
6 contestants - zawodnicy
7 followers - obserwujący np. profil
I started work at the studio a year ago. Obviously, I was very nervous on the first day, but I soon realised everyone was very friendly. I was impressed by the quality of the videos tat the company produced, so my opinion of the company shot up. Since I started there, I've made dozens of videos. Right now, I'm making a video about the contestants at an e-sports tournament. I also write a blog about my work and have thousands of followers.