
Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Uzupełnij luki w wiadomości e-mail do Roberta zgodnie z treścią tekstów.
Tekst 1
Dear Peter,
Thanks for taking interest in the weekend
event organised by Nature First. You asked
us about the nature reserve where the
event will be held from 4th–6th July.
The reserve is a huge area of forest, with
lots of interesting geographical features,
including a range of mountains, with some
deep valleys, rivers and a freshwater lake.
Because of the large number of animals
living here in the wild, visiting the reserve
is only possible in groups led by one of the
park rangers.
You also asked about the programme of
the event. I include a link to our website
where you can find more details about the
weekend activities. I hope you find this
information useful and you’ll join us.
Derek Trent
Nature First Event Organiser
Tekst 2
Nature First Weekend Event
4–6 p.m.: series
of talks by
8 a.m.–12: walk around the
nature reserve with a park
3–6 p.m.: environmental
projects in groups –
9 a.m.–1 p.m.: variety of
activities: hiking, climbing,
3 p.m.: deciding on
the winners of the
competition (prizes!)
Hi Robert,
I’ve just got an email from Nature First about the weekend
event we’d like to go to (1) _____________ of July. The reserve
is an interesting place and if we’re lucky, we might see
(2) _____________ which live there. The weekend programme
sounds good, too. After we arrive there on Friday, we can
(3) _____________ some experts who will present some
important issues. There will be (4) _____________ and the
results will be given on Sunday. Who knows? Maybe, we’ll win
a prize? So, I guess we’re coming, aren’t we?
Write back,