
Klasa 5 Napisz pytania, używając wyrazów w nawiasach. (football match) Were you at a football match? Yes, we were. It was a very exciting match. 1 (your cousins / sports centre) Were you No, they weren't. They were at the departmen store. 2 (Jack/motorbike) cousin at he sport Was Jack at the motorbike M Yes, he was. It was very fast! 3 (at Fred's house) No, you weren't. You were at home with me! 4 (Mrs Davies / chemist's) No, she wasn't. She was in the bookshop.

Odpowiedź :


1. Were your cousins at sport centre? No, they weren't

2.  Was Jack at his motorbike? Yes, he was.

3. Was I at Fred's house? No, you weren't. You were at home with me!

4. Was Mrs Davies at chemist's? No, she wasn't. She was in the bookshop.


Trudno mi to wytłumaczyć jako osoba która umie angielski i po prostu wpisuje wszystko na czuja ale w podręczniku powinieneś/powinnaś mieć to wytłumaczone w jakiejś tabelce na przykładach.

Liczę na naj, bardzo by mi to pomogło uzyskać rangę piątkowy.