
4 Look at the reported speech phrases in red in
the text. In your notebook, write the original
direct speech sentences.
He said that he thought it was her in the film.

4 Look At The Reported Speech Phrases In Red In The Text In Your Notebook Write The Original Direct Speech Sentences He Said That He Thought It Was Her In The F class=

Odpowiedź :

Reported speech phrases convert to direct speech sentences as follows:

He said that he thought it was her in the film and she had to watch it.

  • He said: "I think it is you in the film. You have to watch it!"

She told her that she had been born (...) and that she had been adopted as a baby.  

  • She said: "I have been born (...) I have been adopted as a baby."

She said that she was studying fashion design.

  • She said: "I am studying fashion design."

She told Anais that she lived in Los Angeles.

  • She said: "I live in Los Angeles."

Samantha said that she would fly to London to meet Anais in person.

  • Samantha said: "I will fly to London to meet you in person."

Reported speech, czyli mowa zależna, to bardzo przydatna i często wykorzystywana konstrukcja gramatyczna przekazująca niebezpośrednio czyjeś słowa. Nie wymaga cudzysłowu.

Direct speech używamy, by wtrącić cytat. Używamy cudzysłowu i zapisujemy słowo w słowo cytowany tekst.

Zdania w tekście są zapisane w Reported speech. Tworząc zdanie w mowie zależnej wykorzystano następstwo czasów, czyli zamieniono:

  • Present Simple na Past Simple
  • Past Simple na Past Perfect
  • will -> would

Dlatego też w tym zadaniu odwracamy ten proces aby zacytować oryginalną wypowiedź.