
Zadanie V. Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 1 – 4 litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A-F) tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki. (4 p)


Water covers 70 percent of Earth’s surface. So why do the people from the Kenyan village of Marsabit struggle to get enough of it?
The problem is that we can’t use most of Earth’s water. Nearly 97 percent of it is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another two percent is locked up in glaciers and ice caps. (1)…………… . People, plants and animals depend on that one percent of fresh water. The amount of water on our planet never changes. There is the same amount now as there was when Earth formed.

All living things need water to survive, and that includes plants and animals. (2)………… That plant can then release almost the same amount into the air as water vapour. Water also helps animals to keep cool on hot days. If it is hard to find, animals must conserve or save water. A camel can go without drinking water for a long time, sometimes for as long as six months. (3) …………...How?
A camel can change its body temperature during the hottest part of the day. This keeps it from overheating. Because it does not need to sweat to cool itself down , it saves water.

People need water, too. They drink it, use it to cook, bathe, flush, wash and garden. At home, every American uses an average of 380 litres of fresh water every day. Europeans use about half of that whereas the people from Marsabit in Kenya have to get by on as little as 19 litres each day. In Greenland however, the people are luckier. (4)…………. Only 60,000 people live there and each one has access to millions of litres of water each day.

A. It also saves water by not sweating.
B. The smallest amount of water is used in Greenland as it’s very cold there so there is no need to
consume a lot of water.
C. In some plants, roots suck up water from the ground.
D. However, transporting ice from the glaciers and using it for drinking is not profitable.
E. Thanks to the frequent snowfall, they have more than enough fresh water.
F. That leaves only one per cent.

Odpowiedź :

Tekst zależy uzupełnić zdaniami:

1. F That leaves only one per cent.

2. C In some plants, roots suck up water from the ground.

3. A It also saves water by not sweating.

4. E Thanks to the frequent snowfall, they have more than enough fresh water.

Jak otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst?

Najpierw należy zapoznać się z tytułem tekstu, żeby dowiedzieć się o czym będziemy czytać. Możemy też szybko przeskanować tekst, by wyłapać kontekst.

Ważnym krokiem jest przeczytanie i zrozumienie zdań, które możemy wykorzystać w tekście.

Następnie czytamy tekst skupiając największą uwagę na zdaniu tuż przed i za każdą luką. Każde z wpisanych w luki zdań musi łączyć oba sąsiadujące z nim zdania w jedną sensowną całość. Szukamy słów odnoszących się bezpośrednio do luki, np.

  • "People, plants and animals depend on that one percent of fresh water."

Jedynym zdaniem, które wspomina o jednym procencie jest zdanie F. That leaves only one per cent.

Wstawiamy i sprawdzamy, czy tekst ma sens.

  • "Kolejne 2% jest zamrożone w postaci pokryw lodowych. Pozostaje jeden procent. Życie ludzi, roślin i zwierząt zależy od tego jednego procenta świeżej wody."

Podobnie postępujemy z pozostałymi lukami.

2. C In some plants, roots suck up water from the ground. (that plant)

3. A It also saves water by not sweating. (a camel)

4. E Thanks to the frequent snowfall, they have more than enough fresh water. (people living in Greenland)