Odpowiedź :
1. I am preparing a salad made of pieces of fruits for our Easter Sunday dinner. I am using a large bowl, since everybody will be eating it. I will be done by midnight.
2. Today is Good Friday, so we are drinking water and having three small meals, and I will have no more meals as of now.
3. It is an Easter tradition that meals for Easter Sunday are cooked before Good Saturday. There is only meal preparation not involving cooking on Good Saturday. We will be making out last cooking shortly.
4. I will not want received text messages disrupting the Good Friday liturgy, so I will turn off my smartphone before entering my church.
5. It is late in evening, and I will not be speaking to other people until tomorrow morning.
6. Although one is allowed by law to go into shops without a mask, I will be wearing my mask when shopping today, since the Omicron BA.2 variant is around.
7. Although I wanted as a part of my penance to send money directly to Ukraine today, It turned out that it is currently impractical for an individual to do so. Thus I will not be sending money today after-all.
8. I will not have my homework completed by the end of today. Maybe tomorrow I will ask my cousin for assistance, as she is very good in English.
Zapewne teksty miały być na postawie materiału z ostatnich lekcji, ale brak informacji o tym co na nich było.