
The Passive - Past Simple
Active to passive
1. They played chess yesterday.
2. She watered the flowers two days ago.
3. I borrowed an interesting book from the library yesterday.
4. He caused an accident last week.
5. Romans ruled this city.

Translate the following sentences using the passive
6. Ta katedra była zaprojektowana przez Gaudiego.
7. Statua wolności była przywieziona (bring) do USA z Francji.
8. Pyszne ciastka były upieczone przez moją babcię.
9. Te zdjęcia były zrobione w zeszłym roku kiedy byliśmy w Grecji.
10. Ameryka nie była odkryta przez Corteza.
Błagam o pomoc!!!​

Odpowiedź :

Active to passive

1. Chess was played by them yesterday.

2. The flowers were watered by her two days ago.

3. An interesting book was borrowed by me from the library yesterday.

4. An accident was caused by him last week.

5. This city was ruled by Romans.

Translate the following sentences using the passive

6. This cathedral was designed by Gaudi.

7. The Statue of Liberty was brought to the USA from France.

8. Delicious cookies were baked by my grandmother.

9. These photos were taken last year when we were in Greece.

10. America wasn't discovered by Cortez.