
PROSZĘ o sprawdzenie mojej wypowiedzi !

Robisz często zakupy w sklepach internetowych. Ostatnio kupiłeś(-aś) urządzenie
elektryczne / elektroniczne, które okazało się wadliwe i złożyłeś(-aś) reklamację. Podziel
się swoim doświadczeniem na blogu.
• Napisz, od jak dawna i dlaczego robisz zakupy w sklepach internetowych.
• Opisz urządzenie, które kupiłeś(-aś).
• Wyjaśnij, na czym polegała wada tego urządzenia.
• Poinformuj, w jaki sposób sklep zareagował na Twoją reklamację.

Do you often shop online? Here’s what happened to me recently. Personally, I love doing online shopping. That way of buying things is so much easier than going to the shop. I don’t have to waste time and money because buying train ticket is unnecessary. I am buying online since my brother teach my how to do it.
Last Monday I bought a new, silver laptop. It looked very fancy and professional. I was very happy until I turn it on. Then it turned out that my laptop has a broken screen… I couldn’t see anything on it! Whole screen was black with white dots. I was so upset.
Of course I decided to return this device to the shop. I fulfilled the form, packed the laptop and went to the post office to send it. They accepted my complaint but also were shocked that theirs laptop was broken.

Odpowiedź :


Do you often shop online? Here’s what has happened to me recently. Personally, I love doing online shopping. This way of buying things is much easier than going to the shop. I don’t have to waste time and money on public transport to get to the shop. I've been buying online since my brother taught my how to do it.

Last Monday I bought a new, silver laptop. It looked very fancy and professional. I had been very happy until I switched it on. Then it turned out that my laptop had a broken screen… I couldn’t see anything on it! The whole screen was black with white dots. I was so upset.

Of course, I decided to return this device to the shop. I filled up the form, packed the laptop and went to the post office to send it. They accepted my complaint but were also shocked that their laptop got broken.


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