Proszę o pomoc muszę napisać na jutro zadanie w załączniku.

Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Thomas and I'm a Polish tourist visiting your beautiful country.
Yesterday, together with my friends, we stopped at your restaurant and ordered a few takeaway dishes. Unfortunately, after arriving at our hostel we discovered that the boxes did not contain what we ordered. All the meals were different from our original order. We are all vegetarians and we ordered non-meat options of your best-selling burgers. Your staff must have missed this part of our order. In the end we could not eat any of the meals we bought. We gave them to other people in the hostel and bought some snacks in the vending machine. It was already too late to go back to your restaurant and get the replacement. You close at 10 pm and we visited you just before closing.
I hope you would like to make up for this mistake and offer us a free meal next time we are in your town. We will be back in a week time and we'd like to dine at your place for free. I believe it is a fair deal as we spent money on something we could not eat.
Thank you very much for taking my complaint seriously and I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely Your
Skarga składa się z następujących części
1. nagłówek
2. wstęp z przedstawieniem się
3. czególowy opis problemu
4. proponowane rozwiązanie
5. zakończenie wraz z pozdrowieniem i podpisem