
Exercise 3
Read the instructions and the blog entry below. Choose the correct options (3.1.-3.8.).
W ramach serii spotkań z przedstawicielami różnych zawodów brałeś(-as) udział w spotkaniu z zawodowym muzykiem.
Na swoim blogu:
wyjaśnij, na czym polega praca muzyka;
napisz, co sądzisz o tym zawodzie;
napisz, czy chciał(a)byś wykonywać ten zawód w przyszłości, i uzasadnij swoją wypowiedź.
Hello everyone,
Yesterday I took part in a meeting with a musician who plays the violin in a philharmonic Orchestra
He plays in concerts 3.1. one time / once or twice a week with his orchestra. Apart from that, he 3.2. often has / will
often have rehearsals and he 3.3. needs to / needs practise on his own. He also goes to other towns and countries
to play
3.4. Firstly / Personally, I think that being a musician is 3.5. fascinating/fascinated. You do something creative, you
have flexible working hours, and you don't have to get up early.
I play the guitar, but I don't 3.6. agree/ think I'd like to play in a philharmonic orchestra, 3.7. because / so I don't
plan to become a professional musician. 3.8. I think / I'm thinking of becoming a music teacher
How do you feel about it?​

Odpowiedź :

often has
needs to
I'm thinking
