
zadanie angielski w zalaczniku

Zadanie Angielski W Zalaczniku class=

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I believe that being a talented young person can be very tiring especially by meeting with other children their age. This is usually because many people long to talk with you and spend as much time as they can with you. School can also be stressful because of different people wanting take advantage of the situation, in terms of money or success. Some people may get jealous. The home enviornment can also be misleading and lonely. Parents of famous individuals (not all but some) tend to spend less time with their children or don't pay attention to their needs. The child may end up feeling lonely or feel different than other kids their age. Money tends to get in their way instead of actually helping them. Medias may talk about the person's ambitiousness and kidness but in reality their emotions are very mixed and varied. The youngster doesn't have any the fun in relaxing or playing with their so called "friends", everything changes when you are a talented and/or even famous young person.