
4) Write the sentences with the correct form of the
words in brackets.
1 My mum (kite surf / easy).
2 My brother (play football / bad).
3 They always (speak / nice) to me when I see them.
4 We (waterski / dangerous).
5 You (sail / good) with your nephew.
6 She (reading her English book / happy).

Pls potrzebuje na jutro

Odpowiedź :

Należy uzupełnić zdania poprawnymi formami z ramek.

1. My mum kite surfs easily.

2. My brother plays football badly.

3. They always speak nicely to me when I see them.

4. We waterski dangerously.

5. You sail well with your nephew.

6. She is happily reading her English book.

Słowniczek pojęć:

easily - z łatwością/łatwo

badly - źle

nicely - miło

dangerously - niebezpiecznie

well - dobrze

happily - szczęsliwie