
przeczytaj wypowiedzi osob ktore pracują dla organizacji charytatywnych ( A-C) oraz zdania 1-4. do kazdego zdania dopasuj wlasciwy tekst. Wpiss rozwiazania do tabeli. Uwaga jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch zdań.

Przeczytaj Wypowiedzi Osob Ktore Pracują Dla Organizacji Charytatywnych AC Oraz Zdania 14 Do Kazdego Zdania Dopasuj Wlasciwy Tekst Wpiss Rozwiazania Do Tabeli U class=

Odpowiedź :

Poniżej przedstawiam rozwiązanie do zadania:

A. - 2. thinks that his/her work is more difficult than in the past.

B. - 4. doesn't think that his/her work is very successful

oraz 1. thinks that he/she has more work than in the past.
C. - 3. doesn't like his/her work.


difficult - trudny

successful - efektywny

to think - myśleć

to like - lubić

past - przeszłość

Dopasuj właściwy tekst do podanych zdań

1. This person thinks he/she has more work than in the past. -  (B) A Home For Everyone

  • Uzasadnienie: "Unfortunately, more people are living on the streets every month, so now, we are at the office until late at night.

2. This person thinks that his/her work is more difficult than in the past. (A) Cyber Safe

  • Uzasadnienie: "Since last year, we've also helped them to get a lawyer. It is often very complicated and hard to understand."

3. This person doesn't like his/her work. - (C) Respect For All

  • Uzasadnienie: "I used to love my job, but these problems make it really unpleasnt now."

4. This person doens't think that his/her work is very successful. (B) A Home For Everyone

  • Uzasadnienie: "Even with these extra hours, we hardly vere get good results."

On Studier: Inne Pytanie