przeczytaj wypowiedzi osob ktore pracują dla organizacji charytatywnych ( A-C) oraz zdania 1-4. do kazdego zdania dopasuj wlasciwy tekst. Wpiss rozwiazania do tabeli. Uwaga jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch zdań.

Poniżej przedstawiam rozwiązanie do zadania:
A. - 2. thinks that his/her work is more difficult than in the past.
B. - 4. doesn't think that his/her work is very successful
oraz 1. thinks that he/she has more work than in the past.
C. - 3. doesn't like his/her work.
difficult - trudny
successful - efektywny
to think - myśleć
to like - lubić
past - przeszłość
Dopasuj właściwy tekst do podanych zdań
1. This person thinks he/she has more work than in the past. - (B) A Home For Everyone
2. This person thinks that his/her work is more difficult than in the past. (A) Cyber Safe
3. This person doesn't like his/her work. - (C) Respect For All
4. This person doens't think that his/her work is very successful. (B) A Home For Everyone