
Jaki jest twój ulubiony przedmiot szkolny?
Napisz odpowiedz po angielsku oraz ja uzasadnij dlaczego. Min. 7 zdań

Odpowiedź :


My favourite school subject is _____ (ulubiony przedmiot). I love this subject because it makes so much fun to write/count/draw especially with my teacher that studies us on this subject. Another reason why I enjoy this subject is, that it's never never boring on their lessons. Me and my friends have always fun and try to give the best. It's pretty hard to know everything at all but studying makes the master i guess. Anyways, doing ______ was always my strong side in the first grades. Thats why I'm so much interested in those lessons and engage in everything we're doing.

Mam nadzieję że się przyda ^^