
5 Znajdź informacje na temat miejscowości, w której mieszkasz. Uzupełnij tabelę. When was it built? What is its most famous building? When was the building opened? What is the population? What public transport system is there? What problems are there? What do you predict for your town's / city's future?​

5 Znajdź Informacje Na Temat Miejscowości W Której Mieszkasz Uzupełnij Tabelę When Was It Built What Is Its Most Famous Building When Was The Building Opened Wh class=

Odpowiedź :

My city was built in 15th century. Its most famous building is Church of Matka Boska Częstochowska. It was opened in 28 August 1927. The population of my city is 37 138 people. There are two train stations and some bus lines. The latest problem is what happened in local baker's. I predict that Wołomin will be soon a part of Warsaw with excellent tram lines and modern buildings in centre.

Gramatycznie powinno grać. Jako problem dałem incydent z piekarnią Pawełek xD.

Mam nadzieję że pomogłem, pozdro