
Napisz list o wspólnym czasie spędzonym z rodzicami tydzień wakacji pod namiotem. W mailu do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii.
* wyraz swoją opinię o miejscu w którym znajdowało się wasze pole namiotowe.
* co robiliście podczas wypoczynku
* opisz przygodę, która była podczas waszego pobytu na polu namiotowym.

Potrzebuje na jutro! Ktoś pomoże? ​

Odpowiedź :


HI Marta!

I went on a camping trip with my parents and it was great! The place the place we were in, was wonderful. Our tent was very strong, so strong that it withstood a strong wind. The surroundings were beautiful. I had a great time during the trip, I was kayaking, swimming and had a wonderful time with my parents. I must say the forest was amazing, the surroundings had a wonderfull atmosphere. The weather that was there surprised us, it was supposed to be cloudy and rainy, but it was very sunny but also windy.  We walked a lot, I think I walked more steps during our trip than ever in my life! HAHA. I hope you also had a great time, I am waiting for your answer.
