
napisz post(blog) na temat wakacji z przyjacielem , zwiedzacie kraj (musza znajdowac sie tam informacje jaka była pogoda,gdzie podrozowaliscie , jak podrozowalicie, gdzie sie zatrzymaliscie i co planujecie zrobic w nastepne dni) 80-130 słów

Odpowiedź :


hi guys! i am gonna tell you about my holidays. So me and my friend decided to go by the bus to spain, because the weather here is amazing! we were at the beach, and we swimming in the sea! after swimming we decided to walk around the city and find the place when we can eat something, the food was delituous! i really liked it, then we started feeling sleepy and we went by the taxi to our hotel. we have no idea what we are gonna do in another days byt i think it's gonna be fun.

lot's of love,bye