
(Mój tydzień) - opis tygodnia z użyciem czasu present simple oraz przysłówków częstotliwości opisać swoją tygodniową rutynę co robią i jak często danego dnia

Odpowiedź :


On Mondays I always meet my friend Patryk and I never do my homework.

On Tuesdays I enjoy reading books and I go biking with my friend Magda. If it's snow, we go jogging. I rarely do my homework on Tuesdays.

On Wednesdays I always do my homework and I go for dinner to my aunt who is the best cook ever. I usually play with her cat there.

On Thursdays I sometimes help at home. I do the dishes or vacuum the floor. I occasionally tidy my bedroom up or do my homework.

On Fridays I often visit my friend Łukasz and we sometimes play computer games. I seldom come back before the evening, so I'm tired and never do schoolwork.

On Saturdays I usually lie in and get up at noon. I frequently help my parents with lunch or dinner, and we sometimes watch TV together.

On Sundays I occasionally go to church or talk to my uncle living in the States. I almost always play computer games with my sister. She's a great gamer, so I'm a bit tired later and that's why I never do my homework then.
