
Napisz e-mail po angielsku do kolegi. weź po uwagę podpunkty:
1. Co robiłeś ?
2. Co masz zamiar robić ?
3. jedną złą wiadomości (np. zginął mi pies) i jedną dobrą (np. dostałam 6 z matmy)
bez tłumacza

Odpowiedź :


Hi Keira!

You won't believe! I did it! I finally found new friends, and they're so nice to me and other's. I want to find some more friends or best friends! But I have bad news, my grandmother died yesterday and I'm so sad about what happened.. But there is an good news too, I've got some good luck, because of this! I've got some good marks, and good friends.

That's for now!

Take care!

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On Studier: Inne Pytanie