
Potrzebuje, żeby ktoś mi napisał dialog między 2 osobami według tych 4 punktów po angielsku na jutro. Proszę o pomoc

Potrzebuje Żeby Ktoś Mi Napisał Dialog Między 2 Osobami Według Tych 4 Punktów Po Angielsku Na Jutro Proszę O Pomoc class=

Odpowiedź :


-Doctor: Good morning, Sir! How can I help you today?
-You: Morning doctor! I need a help, because I had an accident.
-Doctor: Of course! Please tell me what happend and I will try to help you.
-You: Well, im not an British civilian, I am a tourist here, that came for 2 weeks for holidays. Yesterday, me and my friends decided to go to skate park to try out my friend’s new skate board. Everyone was scared to ride on the highest ramp in the park, but I was brave enough, so I got on the board and while I was going down on the ramp, I fell of the board and I hit hardly my left hand. It is giving me pain, but I though it will be just for few minutes, but it didn’t stop, so I decided to come here. Could you help me?
-Doctor: Hmm, okay! Please show me your hand! Okay, for me it looks like your left hand is broken. We will give you some medicine, so you wont feel pain and ur hand will need to be put in hand plaster for few weeks!
-You: okay.
-Doctor: Okay! All done! Your next visit will be in.. Two weeks!
-You: okay!
-Doctor: That will be £230, please!
-You: Here you are!
-Doctor: Thanks, please rest and see you!
-You: Goodbye!