
Napisz maila do koleżanki ze zepsuł ci się telefon/ tablet i kupiłaś nowy.

Hi Eva,
How are you? I hope are well.


Odpowiedź :


Hi Eve,

How do you do? I hope they are doing well. I am sorry that I did not reply to your last e-mail that week. My phone that I got for my birthday from my parents broke. With the money I raised, I bought a new phone, it's great and takes nice photos. See you!

Hi Eva,
How are you? I hope you are well! Sorry that I didn’t respond for your last e-mail, but you won’t belive this! My brother lost some gameplay and he was so mad that he threw my phone on the ground! The phone got broken! Can you belive it? At least he learned his lesson because he gotta pay for repair of it, haha. How about you? Did you ever had situation like this?