
4. Przyporządkuj fragmenty zdań (1-8) do ich *** zakończeń (A-H). Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. 1. What a fantastic meal! The salmon 2. This burger is really greasy. How 3. What a mess! The waiter 4. How lovely! You bought my 5. Oh no! My bread roll 6. What a waste of 7. This is awful! It's too 8. Oh dear. My soup A. hasn't cleaned the table. B.is stale! C.disgusting! D.was delicious. E. Favourite biscuits. F. money! I don't like this ice-cream. G.is cold. H.salty​

4 Przyporządkuj Fragmenty Zdań 18 Do Ich Zakończeń AH Zapisz Odpowiedzi W Zeszycie 1 What A Fantastic Meal The Salmon 2 This Burger Is Really Greasy How 3 What class=

Odpowiedź :

Przyporządkuj pasujące dokończenia do podanych zdań

1. What a fantastic meal! The salmon (D) was delicious.

2. This burger is really greasy. How (C) disgusting!

3. What a mess! The waiter (A) hasn't cleaned the table.

4. How lovely! You bought my (E) favourite biscuits.

5. Oh no! My bread roll (B) is stale!

6. What a waste of (F) money! I don't like this ice-cream.

7. This is awful! It's too (H) salty.​

8. Oh dear. My soup (G) is cold.

Słowniczek pojęć:

  • delicious - pyszny
  • disgusting - obrzydliwy
  • favourite biscuits - ulubione ciastka (herbatniki, kruche ciasteczka)
  • stale - czerstwy
  • a waste of money - strata pieniędzy
  • salty - słony