
Połącz porady 1-5 z nazwami dyscyplin sportowych w ramce. basketball • horse riding watt elimbing. parachuting tennis . skiing

1. Remember, you'll be freefalling at more than 190kph, so it's important that your body is completely relaxed while in the air.

2. When you sit in the saddle, let your leg hang from the hip. Control the animal with the reins.

3. Make sure your skis are 20-30cm shorter than your actual height, shorter skis are easier to turn!

4. Hitting the ball at the right time and at the right contact point is the key to the correct technique. As you practice hitting from mid-court, you'll soon become more used to the speed that the ball travels at.

5. Develop your position, learn to dribble without looking at the ball, and you'll be well on your way to getting a place in the NBA.​