Umieść zwroty w odpowiednich zdaniach w poprawnej formie.
1. Can you keep a secret? I have something really important to tell you.
2. We were all really unhappy last year when my parents decided they didn't want to live together any longer. They will get divorced later this year.
3. When Karla's boyfriend broke up with her, she was falling to pieces and couldn't eat or sleep for a week.
4. I am so excited, my older sister is getting married next week, and our whole family is coming to celebrate with us.
5. You have to have some sympathy for him, he's just failed an important test.
6. Both my mum and my dad always wanted to have a big family, so now there are five of us.
Słowniczek pojęć:
- to keep a secret - trzymać w tajemnicy, dochować tajemnicy, zachować w tajemnicy
- to get divorced - rozwieść się
- to fall to pieces - rozpaść się na kawałki
- to get married - wziąć ślub
- to have some sympathy - mieć wsparcie/zrozumienie
- to have a big family - mieć dużą rodzinę