
1. (Twój) car is old. 2. This is a ball. It's (mój). 3. (Ja) am not (sobą) today. 4. Is (jego) house big? 5. (My) (sami) repair our car. 6. Give (mi) "Time", please. (Moje) photo is in this magazine. 7. This is a bicycle. It is (jego). 8. (Oni) must introduce (się). 9. (Ich) room is small. 10. This book is (twoja). Give (nam) John's book. 11. This is a dog. It's (nasz). 12. (Ona) is not (sobą) tonight. 13. (Nasza) grandmother is old. I love (ja). 14. That is a car. It is (wasz). 15. I (sam) paint the windows. 16. (Moje) sisters like (cię). 17. Is this dress (jej)? 18 (On) must buy (sobie) a dog. 19. Are (jej) shoes new? 20. These are books. They are (wasze). 21. I always help (im) when they prepare lunch (sami). 22. (Twoja) mother isn't here. 23. (Ja) know (siebie). 24. Those are hats. They are (nasze). 25. This sports car isn't expensive. (Jego) price is a thousand dollars. 26. (Wy) must buy (sobie) a cat. 27. This is a room. It is (ich). 28. I love (was) very much. 29. (Wasz) son is in New York. I know (go). 30. These are pens. They are (moje).


Odpowiedź :

1. Your car is old. 2.This is a ball. It's mine. 3. I am not myself today.
4. Is his house big? 5. We ourselve repair our car. 6. Give me "Time", please. My photo is in this magazine. 7. This is a bicycle. It is his. 8. They must introduce themselves. 9. Their room is small. 10. This book is yours. Give us John's book. 11. This is a dog. It's ours. 12. She is not herself tonight. 13. Our grandmother is old. I love her. 14. That is a car. It is yours. 15. I paint the windows myself. 16. My sisters like you. 17. Is this dress hers? 18 He must buy himself a dog. 19. Are her shoes new? 20. These are books. They are yours. 21. I always help them when they prepare lunch themselves. 22. Your mother isn't here. 23. I know myself. 24. Those are hats. They are ours. 25. This sports car isn't expensive. Its price is a thousand dollars. 26. You must buy yourselves a cat. 27. This is a room. It is theirs. 28. I love you very much. 29. Your son is in New York. I know him. 30. These are pens. They are mine.

Mam nadzieję, że wszystko będzie w porządku i liczę na naj :))
(aczkolwiek trochę nie jestem pewna przykładu 5, bo mogłoby być również "We repair our car ourselves.")