
Czy jest taki region na świecie (kraj, miasto) w którym nie chciałbyś pracować?
Uzasadnij dlaczego?

(Kraj, miasto dowolne - praca po angielsku co najmniej na 200 słów)
Proszę o pomoc i nie przeklejanie z translatora.

Odpowiedź :


Russia. Russia has a lot of controversy around it, their cash value is going down. I wouldn't be able to earn enough for a living. It'd be better to work in e.g. England or just somewhere else than in Russia. I'd have to learn another language, I'd get paid barely anything, I'd have to watch fake news! I would never reccomend anyone to go to Russia. If i was forced to live in Russia, I would still somehow try to get out since i would like to live in a place where I dont get lied to, I get paid normally, and i have no political issues around me regarding Russia's president. It would probably be very hard to work in russia, since i wouldnt earn enough to eat which would mean that i wouldnt be able to eat enough calories to work properly. I think that the best place to work would be USA since its a rich country meaning that i would be able to earn enough money with enough daily calorie intake. USA also has no bad politics around it meaning that i'd be able to live a peaceful life. USA is also a very nice country, and looks good!

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