
napisz dialog pomiędzy kierownikiem a budowlańcem który ostrzega przed konsekwencjami nie noszenia sprzętu ochronnego.

Odpowiedź :


- Paul!

- Hi John.

- Are you off today?

- No, I just started...  why?

- Where is your helmet?

- Oh, I forgot... It's in the locker.

- Go and get it immediately.  Do not even show up without it.

- Sure, boss.

- This is a construction site.  I don't want any beams or roof pieces to fall on your head.  You need protection at all times.

- I understand, sorry...

- What about your goggles?

- Oh, they are in the locker, too.

- What?  Seriously?  Do you want to end up in emergency room when a splinter gets into your eye when you work with the saw?

- No, no...  just one of those days, John... sorry.

- Paul,  I don't want any accidents on the construction site.  First of all, we need to follow all the safety protocols.  They are in place for a reason.  Second, if something happened to you, you wouldn't even get Worker's Comp Insurance simply because you didn't adhere to the safety standards.  If we don't comply with the rules, we can have multiple inspections and pay fines.  Don't make me pay the penalties from your bonus, please!  Never show up without the helmet and protective eyewear.

- Sure, John.  Thanks!
