
Wybierz wlasciwa odpowiedz
Skiing has a reputation of being a risky sport, but the average injury rate for skiers is a little lower than expected, with 3 injuries per 1000 skiing days. So if you ski 20 days a year, on average you'll have an injury every 16-17 years. Most injuries happen either when a person falls over or loses control during a jump, with only between 3%-8% caused by a collision with other skiers. The statistics also mention the reasons for injuries: poor fitness, wrong choice of terrain or conditions, as well as trying to be the best skier
5.3. Which is TRUE about the statistics?
A. The more often you go skiing, the bigger the risk of injury there is.
B. If you are fit and know the terrain well, you can avoid injuries.
C. More accidents happen because of contact with other skiers than due to falling over

Odpowiedź :


Wydaje mi się, że poprawna odpowiedź to B


A- wypadków można uniknąć, więc to nieprawda

C- "Most injuries happen either when a person falls or loses control"