
Proszę o pomoc wierzę w was 2 i 3 zadanie

Proszę O Pomoc Wierzę W Was 2 I 3 Zadanie class=

Odpowiedź :



1 Was the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci?

2 A thief was caught by a police officer yesterday.

3 A lot of presents were given to me for my last birthday by my friends.

4 A class trip to the mountains wasn't organised by our teacher last year.

5 Coca cola was first produced in the USA.

6 Were tweny patients examined by the doctor yesterday?

7 A new road was built in my city last year.

8 The cookies weren't eaten by John.

Zad 3

1 Who was the Brooklyn Bridge in New York designed by?

 It was designed by John Roebling.

2 When was the European Union created?

 It was created in 1993.

3 What food is eaten on Thanksgiving Day in the USA?

 Turkey is eaten on that day.

4 When are carols sung?

 They are sung at Christmas.

5 When was the first IPhone introduced?

 It was introduced in 2007.

6 Who was Dark Matters written by?

 It was written by Philip Pullman.

7 Where are cars repaired?

 They are repaired in a garage.

8 What snack is sold at the cinema?

 Popcorn is sold at the cinema.

