
Play the Advice game. Use the words and phrases in the box.

eat sugar
buy a ball/some shoes
difficult rules
do some sports
drink a lot of water
easy to learn
good friend
play basketball/football/volleyball

Zasady :
1. Wybierz 1 z poniższych sytuacji (A-C).
2. Posłuchaj rad rówieśników - każda z nich powinna zaczynać się od sformułowania You should ...
3. Zdecyduj, kto poradził Ci najlepiej.
4. Teraz wymyśl własny problem - opisz go i posłuchaj rad. Która z nich jest najtrafniejsza?

A: I want to start a new sport, but I can't decide which one to choose.
B: I want to get healthier, but I don't know how to do it.
C: I want to get a pet, but I can't decide what to choose.

Odpowiedź :

Play the advice game.

A: I want to start a new sport, but I can't decide which one to choose.

  1. You should play basketball. It is easy to learn. Just buy some new shoes and play.
  2. You should play volleyball. There are no difficult rules. You should buy a ball before you start playing.

B:  I want to get healthier, but I don't know how to do it.

  1. You should eat less sugar and more vegetables.
  2. You should drink a lot of water and do some sports.

C: I want to get a pet, but I can't decide what to choose.

  1. You should get a cat or a hamster. They are friendly.
  2. You should get a dog. It can be a very good friend.

Your own idea: I want to go on holiday, but I can't decide where.

  1. You should go to the seaside. There you can sunbathe and swim in the sea.
  2. You should go to the mountains. There are beautiful views.

Słowniczek pojęć:

(to) sunbathe - opalać się

difficult rules - trudne zasady

views - widoki

an advice - rada